Dear Brothers and sisters of Urwa Parish Family,

Good day to you all.

Parish is a family. The family grows when there is proper understanding among its members. A proper communication is a useful and necessary ingredient to strengthen this understanding. Through this new- look parish website ,, may we be able to understand our parish, which is our family, well and be able to strengthen our bond with it. On this occasion we shall put on record our gratitude to all our former Parish priests and Asst. Parish priests for their support to the erstwhile parish website and all the volunteers who helped them to keep the website updated. May God bless all of them.  

Our church edifice completes 25 years of its existence.  This church has brought all parishioners together in these 25 years to pray & care for, work & share with each other.  This is an occasion for us to thank God for His blessings received through this church for the last 25 years. Let us appreciate all that the parish could do for the last twenty five years for the greater glory of God. The Parish priests, Asst. Parish priests,  Resident priests, the Vice-presidents, Secretaries, Gurkars, the parish council members and members of all the families of the parish have taken keen interest in keeping the good name of the church high. May God bless your good will towards this parish. Let us all together keep up the spirit and continue strengthening the ‘parish family’.

Fr Stany Pereira
Parish Priest

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