We are in a Grace-filled Season of Christmas. We rejoice and cherish the love of God for mankind manifested through his Son Jesus. He came as tiny Babe that He might better understand our sufferings; He was born into poverty, lest we think Him a monarch; He came not to dominate, but to motivate; not to condemn, but to forgive; not to oppress but to free our souls; not to compel, but to teach us the truest measure of selfless love. Verily, Jesus is the Christmas Gift of God to mankind. The shepherds believed in the message of the Angels and went in search of the new-born King and they found him in the manger. They were filled with awe and they adored Him.

We need to find Jesus. First of all, He is to be found in the depths of our hearts. He is ever present in our life. We got to be aware of his living presence in us and recognize him through our faith in him. Secondly, He is to be found in the Holy Scriptures for through them he continues to speak to us and directs our life. Thirdly, we got to recognize him in the Sacraments. By frequenting the Sacraments and celebrating them devoutly we can experience his deep love for each one of us. Fourthly, He is ever present in a praying community and fifthly, He is indeed present in the poor, the homeless and the suffering. By reaching out to such people we get in touch with the Babe of Bethlehem.

God’s goodness to us doesn’t stop with the celebration of Christmas. The New Year too is His gift. In spite of our unworthiness, God doesn’t cease to love us. He trusts each one of us and therefore he grants a New Year. Let the New Year be a year of Hope and Blessings.

Together with Fr Henry Sequeira and Fr Johnson Pereira, I wish you all a Very Happy and Grace-filled New Year 2023.


- Fr Benjamin Pinto
Parish Priest Urwa