In line with the observance of September as the Anti-Drug Month by the Mangalore Diocese, the Urwa Parishioners observed September 3rd as the Anti Drug Sunday in the Parish.

The Anti Drug Campaign was inaugurated by the flow down of the Anti Drug Campaign poster during the 7:00 am Mass by Rev.Fr Benjamin Pinto,Parish Priest, Rev.Fr Johnson Pereira- Asst. Parish Priest, Sr. Violet- Superior of Ladyhill Convents, Mr.Lloyd Lobo- Vice-president PPC, Ms. Silvia Mascarehnas- Secretary PPC, Mr. Kevin Martis- Convenor of 21 Commissions.

During the Mass, an video depicting the theme was displayed for educating the parishioners of the importance of vigilance against Drug Abuse. Various Competitions have been announced on the occasion for the participation of the Parishioners.






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