Mangalore, December 10: The festal proceedings commenced with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and the ceremonious distribution of candles to the donors and sponsors. The Eucharistic celebration, reverently themed 'Blessed are you among women' (Luke 1:42), was conducted under the auspices of His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Issac Lobo, Bishop of the Udupi Diocese. His message was conveyed through a poignant sermon delivered during the feast mass. Assisting in this sacred observance were Rev. Fr Maxim Noronha, Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese, Rev. Fr Daniel Veigas and Msgr Lessly Shenoy.

Subsequent to the feast mass, a reverential procession bearing the blessed sacrament took place. The adoration ceremony was conducted by Rev. Fr Cyril Lobo, Director of Liturgy, Vocation, and the Holy Bible for the Diocese of Udupi. The Bishop imparted his profound message and bestowed the final blessing upon all devotees venerating Our Lady of Pompei. Concluding the event, the parish priest extended warm wishes to the congregation and conveyed sincere appreciation to all who contributed their invaluable services towards the success of this esteemed feast.
































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